Yesterday, Eddie and I (and Patrick)had such a busy day I was too tired to blog about it when we got home!
First we went to the Walker Art Museum, where we saw an Elizabeth Peyton Exhibit (who is British, which made Eddie feel right at home) and a conceptual art exhibit, which was a lot of fun but a lot of it went wayyy over our heads. But it was still cool to look at! There was this piece of art that was called the Dolphin Oracle, which you could interact with and ask questions. Eddie and him hit it off, if you look close at the picture you can see we're asking the dolphin if he will be Eddie's friend. The answer was yes =]
We couldn't get pictures with the Elizabeth Peyton's actual art, but Eddie wanted a picture with the postcards in the gift shop so he could remember some of the best paintings. While we were there he also met a little egg-shaped buddy! Big day for making friends! I think he was really feeling adventurous because it was our first official big excursion of the summer.
We also explored the Walker's sculpture garden and stopped to admire the Cherry Spoon, a famous Minneapolis Symbol.
The cherry spoon made me and Patrick hungry, and Eddie was feeling a little homesick from the mention of England at the museum, so we went to The Tea Garden in Uptown to get some delicious bubble tea! Eddie and I shared a Papaya Chai and it was delicious, and I think it made him feel more at home here.
Finally, we went to a park downtown and watched a local folk band play. Eddie and I agreed that they weren't very good, but it was fun being outside and watching them, and the performance was followed by a showing of Peewee's Big Adventure. Eddie loved it, he was laughing really hard the whole time. He fell asleep in the car on the way home, we packed a lot into one day!